Top 5 Usage of Quarkifi MagIQ - Smart Plug Socket – QuarkifiMagIQ
Top 5 Usage of Quarkifi MagIQ - Smart Plug Socket

Top 5 Usage of Quarkifi MagIQ - Smart Plug Socket

  • 06 July, 2023
  • Subha Brata Bhowmick

I am a learner since my childhood & have the habit of interacting with people whenever there is an opportunity. It is this habit that helps me stay ever curious on the path of gaining knowledge. In my entrepreneurship journey I treasure the discussions with our customers on various kinds of usage they are practicing with Quarkifi MagIQ smart plug in the real life scenario.

Today I am going to share the top 5 use cases that I have identified as the most common requirements across Indian households. Let’s get going…...

(1) TV Screen Time – this is a common problem that most of the parents are facing with the rise of attractive contents over OTT channels being streamed on our TV sets. Several parents are using the Quarkifi MagIQ smart plug to pre-schedule the TV time for their kids & control their screen time to the extent possible.

(2) Electric Water Geyser Control – this electrical appliance has taken the mandatory spot in most of the washrooms in Indian households. It is also true that most of the people specially kids forget to switch off the water geyser after usage which may have a linkage to the perception of auto-cutoff feature. But in reality, the auto-cutoff feature will keep triggering On & Off throughout the day based on real time temperature of the stored water. This continuous triggering process leads to higher electricity consumption and raises the risk of burns as well as wear & tear of the appliance itself. A big percentage of our customers are using the Quarkifi MagIQ smart plug to control their electric geysers & also appreciating the notification feature that keeps them aware of the real time usage by family members.

(3) Battery Life – it is evident that our lives are surrounded by appliances that runs on batteries & they have become inseparable to our daily routines. It is necessary to re-charge the batteries regularly to keep them up & running when the need arises. This has given rise to the necessity of saving the life of these batteries to their intended lifetime while keeping control on the cost of replacing them before time as well as avoid malfunctioning due to overcharge. Many of our customers are using the Quarkifi MagIQ smart plug & its super scheduling feature on daily basis to optimize the cost & usage of their favourite devices. Few such critical gadgets are smartphones, laptops, digital cameras, smart watches, mosquito repellent rackets, etc.   

(4) Stand Fans – the summers are becoming hotter & all thanks to global climate change. India is a country where most of the regions are traditionally hot, few days back I came across a research report which says that 88% of Indian households own a ceiling fan whereas 72% own a mattress. I had the opportunity to talk to several customers using the Quarkifi MagIQ smart plug auto scheduling feature to operate their stand fans or table fans. Several customers have the habit of sleeping on the roof of their house with their stand fans which necessitates switching them off during the early morning hours. Couple of other customers use the stand fans within their room environment to avoid the ceiling heat thrown by their ceiling fans during early night hours. Few customers even highlighted about the relief gained by their old age parents by switching On & Off their standing fans from their smartphones & voice assistant devices.

(5) Mosquito Repellents – most of us in this country suffer from mosquito menace that ultimately makes it necessary to resort to mosquito repellents like Good Night, All Out, Comfort Agarbatti, etc. All of us are also aware that these mosquito repellents are injurious to health but still had to accept the ill effects without much choice. But we can at least try to minimize the negative effects & this becomes more important when it comes to our children. Many of our customers use the exceptional multi-scheduling feature of Quarkifi MagIQ smart plug to control the ON time of their electric mosquito repellent machines. Switching off the machines intermittently serves the purpose of controlling mosquitoes while also reducing the harmful effects of inhaling the chemicals to some extent.   

Hope, the above real-life scenarios will help you identify the importance of using smart plugs & also figure out several other necessities around your life once you start realizing the true benefits.
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